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Witch Hazel? ...

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear witch hazel? I don't know about you but the loony toons character is what first came to my mind! For the longest time I was turned off and avoided witch hazel, simply because of the name.

The genus name Hamamelis is Latin from the Greek meaning a kind of medlar or service tree. The species name virginiana refers to it being from Virginia, is a bright orange or yellow plant with blooms that have a surprising range of uses. The extract sold in most stores is derived from the leaves and bark of the North American Witch Hazel shrub. The American witchhazel is a member of the Witch-hazel family, often being combined with other skin-enriching ingredients such as aloe vera and rosewater.

The History:

American witchhazel has a rich and interesting lore as well as uses associated with it. Among the most interesting uses has been the use of forked limbs as dowsing or divining rods. It's been said that early European settlers witnessed Native Americans using American witchhazel to find underground sources of water. This activity is probably where the common name witchhazel came from. “Wicke” is the Middle English for “lively’ and “wych” is from the Anglo-Saxon word for “bend.” It's quite likely that American witchhazel was called a Wicke Hazel by early white settlers because the dowsing end of the forked branch would bend towards the ground when underground water when detected by the dowser. This was widely practiced by American settlers and then exported back to Europe. Dowsing became an established feature of well-digging into the 20th century.

How can I use it?

  1. Odor removal spray: Combine the following ingredients:

- 1 Tbsp witch hazel

- 3 drops essential oil of your choice

- 1 tsp baking soda

- 3 Tbsp warm water

Shake well to combine. You can use this to absorb any unpleasant odors from your carpet, upholstery, or just as a fragrance boosting room spray.

2. Facial cleanser: I use witch hazel as a facial cleanser on a daily basis. I simply pour some onto an exfoliating round like this and then wipe down my face. The great thing about witch hazel is that it cleanses your pores without drying them out! For anyone with oily skin, using witch hazel throughout the day helps to keep your face clean without having to completely wash your face.

3. Soothe Diaper Rash: To help in the healing process of your little ones rash, try following up their diaper changes with witch hazel diluted down with water on a cotton pad. This can provide cooling relief and help to reduce inflammation.

4. Hand Sanitizer: Combine the following ingredients:

- 1 1/2 tsp witch hazel

- 1/3 tsp vitamin E oil

- 15 drop tea tree essential oil

- 1/2 cup aleo vera gel

Once combined, transfer to a pump or squeeze bottle and you are able to use this for up to 2 weeks. The anitimicrobial properties of the witch hazel and tea tree oil makes this a very powerful disinfectant. Because this santizer does not use alcohol, it does not dry out your skin and functions as a restorative moistureizer while sanitizing!

5. Insect Repellent: Mix together 2 Tbsp of witch hazel, 5 drops of lemongrass essential oil and 1 cup of water in a spray bottle and shake, shake, shake! This insect repellent is safe to use on most surfaces including your skin. The best part? no gross or harsh smelling chemical residue is left on your skin.

This same mixture can be used to reduce bug bites that are irritated and can help prevent the need to itch. Simply apply some of the mixture onto a cotton pad and apply to flea bites, mosquito bites, and bee stings to help reduce inflamation.

6. Stop bleeding and disinfect wounds: Want to avoid the sting of using alcohol to disinfect wounds, but still get the job done? Witch hazel to the rescue!! Plus, witch hazel has hemostatic properties which enables it to reduce minor bleeding. By applying an alcohol free witch hazel to minor cuts and scrapes it can help to speed he healing, stem the bleeding and clean the wound of any foreign debris. For all my people who bruise easily, witch hazel can also be. used to reduce the appearance of bruises.

7. Soothe Razor Burn: Simply apply some witch hazel to fresh shaved skin, be it legs or the face and prevent the unpleasant itchy bumps and ingrown hairs from forming. And don't forget the hemostatic properties that witch hazel has! If you nick yourself shaving, witch hazel will help to stem the bleeding.

8. Varicose Veins and Stretch Marks: Varicose veins also known as spider veins are streaky, enlarged veins that often protrude from the feet and legs having a purplish hue and can often be unsightly and embarrassing. Stretch marks are usually on the stomach or thighs and usually follow incidents of rapid weight gain or loss most prevalent during a pregnancy.

Though more research is needed to solidify the effects, the German Commission E, which evaluates herbal medicines for effectiveness has listed witch hazel as an appropriate treatment for these skin conditions.

9. Swimmers Ear: Swimmers ear also known as otitus externa is an painful microbial infection of the ear that is typically caused by water remaining in the ear after swimming.

Witch hazel can help dry up any pus that is clogging the ear canal, clear away excess oil, and break up wax and debris. Use a small eye dropper or a dropper small enough to deliver a few drops of witch hazel into each ear. After allowing ears to drain, you'll want to clean carefully with a cotton swab. Caution: Be sure to not actually insert the cotton swab directly into the ear canal as this could cause further damage.

10. Glass Cleaner: Simply use undiluted witch hazel in a spray bottle to clean glass, chrome, and mirrors. Just wipe away using a paper towel and enjoy the beautifully shinning surface that is also disinfected!

I hope you enjoyed this post! What ways do you use witch hazel in your day to day life? Please share in the comments below, I would love to hear from you.

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Sep 18, 2023

I guess I never watched looney tunes much! This is a great article though, I never trusted witch hazel before since I tried the alcohol wipes with witch hazel and they stung me in my cut. Lol. Next time I will know better and pick plain witch hazel water.

Sep 20, 2023
Replying to

Nothing like pain to turn us off from things. I am glad you like the article :) Hope you'll let me know how things turn out if you end up trying witch hazel without alchol.

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